Basics is the first section you'll see each time you create a new campaign. This is where you give your campaign a title and description. You can also use this section to customize texting hours and how your campaign appears to texters.


Image displaying the Basics section of a campaign.

Required Fields

In order to start your campaign, you must fill out two fields in Basics: the Title and the Description.


Image showing where to give your campaign a title and description.


Use the Title field to give your text campaign a name. Enter the purpose of the campaign in the Description.


Example of a filled out Title and Description.

Optional Settings

If you have several active campaigns and texters are joining more than one of them at a time, it can be worthwhile to use the optional features described below to help  differentiate the campaigns from one another.

Friendly Name

If you need to distinguish between an internal campaign name and the name seen by texters, you can give your campaign a Friendly Title for Texters.


Intro HTML

The “Intro HTML” section is an optional way to share additional information about the campaign with texters. This section is a great place to share a link to a frequently asked questions doc or contact information for an admin.


You can format this information using HTML tags. 


Note: simply typing a link into this field will display the text of the link, but that it will not automatically appear as a clickable link unless you use HTML tags to make it a hyperlink.

Here are some useful HTML tags:

  • Link tag - to create a hyperlink, type <a href="">Displayed Text</a>

    • Place the URL inside the quotation marks, and make sure there are no unnecessary spaces

  • Line break - pressing enter to begin typing on another line will not work in this field, instead type <br> which stands for break and will bring the text to the next line.

  • Italics - to create italics, type <i> and </i> around the text you want to italicize, i.e. <i>Text to italicize</i>

  • Bold - to create bolded text, type <b> and </b> around the text you want bolded, i.e. <b>Text to bold</b>

Texting Hours

This section allows you to customize the texting hours and timezone for the campaign by overriding your organization’s default texting hours (set by account Owners in the “Settings” section). 

Legal texting hours are within 8 am and 9 pm in the timezone of your contact.


To set a custom time zone and/or texting hours for your campaign, toggle on “Override default texting hours”. 


You will be prompted to enter the specific hours and time zone for your campaign. 

Image displaying campaign-specific texting hours and time zone settings, accessed by overriding the default hours.


There are also two additional fields you can use to customize how the campaign will appear to your texters:


  • Logo Image URL - places a logo icon in the upper right corner of the text campaign for texters to see. Place a direct link to an image in this field 

  • Primary color - color codes the title and description of the campaign as seen by texters


To select a color from a selection gradient, click the color in the gradient. 


Example of a color selected from the gradient picker.

Putting it all together

Here's an example of a fully filled out basics section that uses HTML tags, a logo image URL, and a selected color:


Image displaying a filled-out Basics section in a campaign.

 And here's what that example would like look to the texter:


Image displaying the campaign’s appearance to a texter.