What is the automatic opt outs feature? The automatic opt out setting works as a filter on incoming messages. Basically, Spoke will automatically opt out contacts for you if they reply with specific opt out keywords or phrases (listed below). If you choose to use the feature, your texters will also no longer have to view and opt out those contacts manually, which means they’ll have more time for other replies.
Where do I turn it on? You can toggle this setting on or off from your Spoke’s Settings page.
What are the words or phrases? (Note: The tool will ignore spaces): "? stop", "alto", “optout", "remove", "cancel", "delete", "delete me", "delete my number", "delete quit", "delete this number", "do not send me messages", "do not text", "do not text me", "dont text me", "dont text me anymore", "drop tout", "drremove", "drremove optout", "eff off", "end", "end remove", "fuck off", "fuck you", "i optout", "leave me alone", "leave my alone", "lose my number", "no more texts", "opoit", "opout", "opt", "opt end", "opting out", "optout", "optout end texts", "opt out optout", "opt out please", "opt out send", "optout sent with gentle effect", "optout sent with loud effect", "optout sent with slam effect", "opt outt", "opt out to end", "opt out to send", "optouy", "optput", "optputt", "optstop", "optut", "output", "please dont text me thanks", "please end", "please fuckoff", "please go away", "please remove", "please remove me from your contacts", "please remove me from your list", "please remove me from your texting list", "please remove my info thanks", "please remove text", "please stop", "please stop sending me messages", "please stop sending me texts", "please stop texting me", "please take off this list", "ptout", “ptut", "quit", "quitend", "quitremove", "remote", "remove", "removea", "Remove and fu", "remove and please stop texting me thank you", "removed", "remove dammit", "remove end", "remove fuck off", "remove idiots", "remove me", "remove me from your list", "remove my name from your list", "remove optout", "remove opt out", "remove opt out cancel", "remove opt out stop", "remove output", "remove please", "remove pls", "remove quit", "remove remove", "removes", "remove sent with gentle effect", "remove sent with loud effect", "remove stop remove", "remove thanks", "remove thank you", "remove thx", "remove end", "remove topout", "remove to oprout", "remove opt out", "remove two upout", "remove you idiot", "removr", "remve", "renove", "reove", "reply optout to end", "reply remove", "reply remove topout", "reply remove to opt out", "revove", "spam", "sstop", "stip", "stoo", "stoop", "stop", "stop ?", "stop all", "stop contacting me asap", "stop end" "stopplease", "stop quit" "stop remove", "stop sending", "stop sending me messages", "stop sending text messages to my phone", "stop sent with gentle effect", "stop sent with loud effect", "stop sent with slam effect", "stop stop", "stop stop stop", "stop text", "stop texting", "stop texting me", "stop texting please", "stp", "syop", "take off your list", "txt optout", "txt remove", "unsubscribe", "unsubscribe me", "pissoff", "sto", "remiveoptout", "plzstop", "stopppppppp", "stopcallingme", "donotcontact", "stoptextingmenow", "suckmycock", "endtoquit", "nevercontactmeagain", "killyourself", "eatabagofdicks", "donottextthisnumber", "stopleavemealone", "pleasedeletemynumber", "stopsendingtexts", "screwoff", "wrongnumberstoptexting", "yesstopquit", "stopthanks", "romove", "pleaseremovemefromlist", "removemynumberfromyourlist", "donttextthisnumberagain", "pleaseremovethisnumberfromyourlist", "stipoptout", "fuckyoucunt", "noremove", "wrong#stop", "stopimmediately", "stopivoted", "pleaseremovethisnumber", "suckmyballs", "pleaseremovemefromthelist", "stopspam", "stopforever", "stopsendingmethiscrap", "stopmessages", "leavemealoneplease", "takemeofflist", "stpo", "fuckoffandstop", "nostopquit", "stoppppppp", "stpquit", "stopialreadyvoted", "remov", "eatshitanddie", "wrongnumberpleaseremove", "stopstopstopstopstopstop", "stooquit", "removemefromyourlistplease", "pleaseunsubscribeme", "stopassholes", "fuckyouasshole", "cunt", "removemefromlist", "stopquiy", "stopout", "removeopout", "fuckoffanddie", "fuckoffbitch", "txtstopoptout", "nofuckingway", "stopandno", "stopwrong#", "txtendquit", "stope", "pleasestopcontactingme", "pleasedonttextmeagain", "donotcontactme", "pleaseremovemefromyourcontactlist", "fukoff", "fuckoffasshole", "pleaseremovemynumberfromyourlist", "pleasetakemeoffthelist", "wrongnumberpleasestop", "stopiamarepublican", "fuckno", "plsstop", "fuckoffcommie", "stop0out", "fuckoffcunt", "pleasestopmessagingme", "endtostop", "sto0", "pleasedonottextme", "removethisnumber", "stopthisshit", "stopqui", "stopsendingmetexts", "stop0pt0ut", "eatmyass", "stopopt", "wrongnumberstoptextingme", "stopppppp", "noleavemealone", "stoppp", "stopfuckoff", "fyou", "dropdead", "stopsend", "biteme", "dontcontactmeagain", "stopqu", "nopestop", "pleasestoptextingthisnumber", "stopsendingmessages", "fuckyoubitch", "loosemynumber", "nofuckoff", "stopquite", "stopspammingme", "pleaseunsubscribe", "hellno", "fuckyourself", "removemeplease", "stoquit", "stopppp", "stopsendingmethisshit", "stopoptput", "wrongpersonstop", "atop", "unsubscribeplease", "stoppppp", "removefromlist", "stoptostop", "bitch", "takemeoffyourlistplease", "takemeoffyourlist", "hellnostop", "stopquir", "fuckoffstop", "suckadick", "stop0optout", "nevertextmeagain", "takemeoffthelist", "stopstopstopstopstop", "alreadyvotedstop", "stopasshole", "stipquit", "fuckyoustop", "stopno", "quittextingme", "losethisnumber", "stopttexts", "screwyou", "pleasedonttextme", "dontevertextmeagain", "pleaseremovemynumber", "stopbotheringme", "donotcontactmeagain", "stopcontactingme", "stopalreadyvoted", "stops", "stoptextingmyphone", "nostoptextingme", "gofuckyourselves", "dtop", "removemynumber", "pleasestoptexting", "stopandfuckoff", "pleaseleavemealone", "stopq", "0ptout", "stopguit", "textstop", "stopwrongperson", "donottextmeagain", "stpp", "removemefromthislist", "textremovequit", "takemeoffthislist", "fu", "eatadick", "nstop", "stopharassingme", "suckmydick", "stopbitch", "remove0ptout", "txtstopquit", "stopit", "yesstop", "srop", "getlost", "stopmessagingme", "stopp", "leavemethefuckalone", "foff", "noandstop", "stopstopstopstop", "blocked", "removetoquit", "stoptextingmeplease", "pleaseremoveme", "getfucked", "pleaseremovemefromthislist", "donttextmeagain", "eatshit", "gotohell", "textstopquit", "stoptextingthisnumber", "stopnow", "nostopend", "quitquit", "wrongnumberstop", "stopopout", "shutthefuckup", "pleasetakemeoffyourlist", "fuckingstop", "stop0ptout", "stopwrongnumber", "endstop", "fucku", "stopfuckingtextingme", "goaway", "quitstop", "stoptooptout", "txtremovequit", "gofuckyourself", "endend", "stopthismessagecontainedanimagethatcantbedisplayed", "endquit", "nostop", "bsp", "bspoptout", "bspremove", "dontcontact", "dr", "drremoveoptout", "letsgobrandon", "notexts", "notextsplease", pleaseremovethisnumber", "pleasetakemeoffthislist", "removetoend", "remove to opt out", "stopcancel", "stopoptout", "stopptout", "stoptexts", "stoptoquit", "stopunsubscribe", "txtreply"
Are there false positives? No. Spoke will only opt out contacts who send these exact words or phrases, with nothing else included. This will prevent false positives from occurring.
Are these opt outs being tracked / recorded? Yes. You can see how many opt outs your texters aren’t having to handle from the data display page inside each campaign.
Image showing where to see how many contacts were automatically opted out of a campaign.
You can also see all of your opt outs in a campaign by going to Message Review. Turn off “Not Opted Out”, turn on “Opted Out”, then add the name of the campaign. This will call up every contact who was opted out in the campaign.
Example of a Message Review search to view opted out contacts in a campaign.
Will these opt outs show up in exports and sync back to VAN? Yes. All opt outs, including automatic opt outs, will be displayed in your data exports. They will also sync back to VAN with as a “Do Not Text" status.
Will it send the opt out message? No. Messages must always be sent by an individual and can not be automatically generated and sent. They are simply opted out from your platform, and will not be texted again, regardless of whether or not you remove them from your data.