Hi folks,


Wow- just 5 more days! We’re going to make this short as we know everyone is incredibly busy. We have made some minor additions to Spoke, and want to make sure you see them. You will see these updates over the next two days.


  • Answer Multiple Questions: While this has technically always been possible, answering multiple questions at once (or going back to edit a past answer) just got a whole lot easier! Now your texters will see an “Answer Multiple Questions” button at the bottom of their replies after selecting “all responses”. This will allow them to answer two or more questions at once. You can also use this feature to go backwards and edit past answers as well.


  • Smooth texting: Sending texts is now considerably smoother, with no tiny delays between sends. This should lead to an even better texter experience.

That’s it for now! Thanks everyone. Wishing you all good luck in the final stretch.

Team Scale to Win