Hi folks! 

We have more exciting updates we’re making to Spoke, and wanted to be sure you had eyes on them before they hit your account. These updates will be deployed today, April 23rd, before texting hours begin. As always, feel free to respond to this email with any questions. 

New features:

VAN Events: We now have a VAN Events API sync! If you want to recruit for events you’ve created in VAN with Spoke and want your event data to sync back to VAN, you can enable this feature inside the Integrations tab if you have a MyCampaign key. 

Overlap management upgrade: Overlap management now has a search bar, and the pagination now works much more smoothly. We also fixed a bug that caused overlap deletion to occasionally fail. 

Display contact data to admins and owners: Admins and owners are now able to view a comprehensive list of data about the contact you're texting from the conversation window. Anything that is pulled from VAN or uploaded via a CSV will be visible. For privacy reasons, regular texters and supervolunteers will not be able to view this information. To access this data, click the face icon in the upper left corner of the conversation page. 

Display VAN ID to all texters: Owners now have a new setting in “Settings” that allows you to display VAN ID or External ID to all texters if desired, for fast and easy voter file lookups.

Automatic replies: Replies will arrive on your workflow page automatically, meaning you no longer have to refresh your browser to see new replies come in. 

Reply rate: We’ve added “Reply rate” to your campaign's data display page. This number represents the percentage of your contacts who replied to your initial message. 

Declutter: Selecting “Done for the day” will now remove all previous campaign boxes to avoid clogging up a texter’s workflow page. Texters are still able to select the dynamic assignment link afterwards to receive new assignments or replies and continue texting on a campaign if they wish. 

Automatic Opt Outs: This feature has gotten an upgrade, and it will now catch many more opt outs, all while still being extremely accurate. As a reminder, the reply must match an entire word or phrase, and only the word or phrase, avoiding any false positives. This setting can be toggled on or off in settings. You can read more about how this feature works here.

Bug fixes: 

Message Review pagination: Fixed a bug in Message Review that didn’t allow you to increase the number of conversations you can view on a single page. 

Segment estimator: Previously when pasting your scripts from a Word, Notes, or Google Doc or email, there could be punctuation that was coded differently which would cause your estimated segment count appear artificially inflated. This has now been fixed, and you can copy and paste your scripts from Word, Notes, Google Docs, or an email and your segment estimate will still be accurate. 

Updates coming soon:

Follow-up campaigns: This feature allows you to target past contacts from previous campaigns based on contact status, tags, or survey responses. This is currently being tested by a handful of our customers. The beta period is going well and we’ll likely deploy this to everyone before the end of next week. 

Usage upgrade: The usage page is getting a big upgrade! You will soon be able to track usage by day, month, or on a per campaign basis. 

Deliverability insights: While you are currently able to view deliverability in your exports, we will be adding an additional metric on the data display page so you can view any likely filtration from mobile carriers that you may experience. 

That’s it for now! Thanks for all your doing, and we hope you enjoy this update! 

Team Scale to Win.