New Features:

Troll Watch: This new feature will make it much easier to catch trolls, bad actors, or texters who just need some additional training. If enabled, this feature will create a notification in Spoke if certain key words or phrases are being sent from your platform (will be turned on by default), as well as if someone edits an initial outbound message (will be turned off by default). Both filters can be toggled on or off inside Troll Watch’s settings. You can read more about this feature here. 

One Dynamic Assignment link: We added an additional option in the “Assignment Management” tab that allows your texters to use just one Dynamic Assignment link for both initials and replies.

Dynamic Assignment as a join link: You can now choose whether texters can use a dynamic assignment link as a join link, meaning that new texters can set up a texting account to join your organization and receive their first batch of texts to send using the same link. If you want to let texters sign up for an account directly from a dynamic assignment link, you'll need to turn this on in “Settings”. 

Past Texters: Quality assurance just got a whole lot easier! We’ve added a “Past Texters” column inside Message Review, and filtering by texter will now display initials and replies sent by the texter you search, even if the texter has released those conversations. 

Remove Credits: If you’re utilizing our credits feature, you can now remove past credits that were applied to a Spoke team. 

General Improvements:

Message Review opt out / opt in: You can now opt someone out / in from message review, regardless of whether or not that conversation is assigned to someone. 

Archive multiple campaigns: While it’s always been possible to archive multiple campaigns at once, you may not have noticed because the feature was hard to find! This is much more accessible now, and can be easily found on the top right corner of your Campaigns page. 

People search function: The search function inside “People” has been optimized, and should work much more intuitively. 

Alto: We added “Alto” to the list of accepted opt out words in your initial message to support Spanish language texting programs. 

Removed Due Date: You will no longer be required to set a “Due Date” for your campaigns. 

Bug Fixes:  

Automatic Opt Outs: Fixed a bug that caused automatic opt outs to be counted more than once if an individual responded with more than one opt out word or phrase.  

Search by texter: Fixed a bug that prevented you from easily searching for additional texters after your first texter search in Message Review. 

Expired / Invalid VAN keys: Instead of a “Something went wrong” page, you’ll get a specific error message when utilizing an invalid or expired VAN API key.