For every campaign you start in Spoke, you’ll have access to a data dashboard. This dashboard displays how many contacts you can text, how many of them you’ve texted, your reply rate, your opt-outs, and more.


How to access a campaign’s data dashboard

To access a campaign’s data dashboard, go to the “Campaigns” page, then click on the name of the campaign. 


To access a campaign’s data dashboard, click on its name on the “Campaigns” page.

Dashboards are only available for campaigns that have been started - if you only see the ability to edit a campaign, you haven’t started that campaign yet.

How to read the dashboard

The data dashboard contains several sections. 

Reply Rate, Filter Rate, Opt-Outs

At the top, you can get a quick general overview of your campaign’s performance.

The top of the data dashboard gives you insight into your campaign’s deliverability and performance.

Here's a more detailed explanation of the various data reports:


Total number of textable contacts in the campaign. Contacts removed during list upload or due to opt-outs or suppressions are not shown.


Total number of people who have sent text messages in the campaign

Fraction Initials Sent 

The numerator of the fraction shows how many initial messages you have sent in the campaign; the denominator shows the total number available to send in the campaign.

Total Sent

Total number of messages sent in the campaign. This includes initial messages and any messages you have sent in subsequent exchanges with the campaign’s contacts. The number displayed here does not reflect the total segment count for the campaign; Owners can view the campaign’s segment count on the “Usage” page.

Reply Rate

Percentage calculated by dividing the number of unique contacts who replied by the total number of initial messages sent. 

Filter Rate

Percentage calculated by dividing the number of unique contacts who did not receive your message due to carrier filtering by the total number of initial messages sent. 

Total Replies

Total number of messages received from contacts in the campaign. Note: You are not charged for these inbound messages, only for texts you send.


Total number of phone numbers opted out in the campaign, including manual and automatic opt-outs, as well as opt-outs from other Spoke campaigns

Automatic Opt-Outs

Subset of contacts who replied with an opt-out keyword and were automatically opted out 

Script Variants, Questions, Tags, and Texter Stats

If you added script variants, branched scripts to track answers to questions, or added tags to your campaign (either as manual tags or conversation tags attached to a canned response), you can get an overview of the data collected by scrolling further down the page.


Script Variants

Breakdown of how many contacts received a particular variant of your initial message, plus the contact reply rate, opt out rate, and carrier filter rate

Survey Questions

View how many answers you collected to a question and a pie-chart display of which answers were collected


View a table reporting how many times a tag was collected in the campaign

Texter stats

View how many of the texts on their account a texter has actually  sent


Here are examples of what this might look like on your campaign:


Image showing how to read the script variant and survey question data displays.

Image showing the tags and texter stats reports.