Hi all,

We’re excited to let you know about our biggest update to the Scale to Win Dialer yet, including three brand new features and a handful of small bug fixes! 

Haven’t checked out the dialer yet? Interested in learning more? Want to see all of the new features in action? Click here to sign up to demo the Scale to Win Dialer now.

1. *New* Feature: Voicemails

You now have the option to automatically leave pre-recorded voicemail messages on the answering machines of landline phones who don’t pick up your call!

You can set this up in the new “Step 6: Leave Voicemail” step of the call campaign creation process, shown in the image below. Simply toggle the feature on and then upload your desired voicemail message as an MP3 or WAV audio file.

The voicemail configuration page, which is now Step 6 in the campaign creation process.

You can view how many voicemails have been left by your call campaign in the “Call Status” bar graph of the campaign’s “View Results” page.

As a reminder, if you toggle this feature on for your calling campaign, you’ll be charged 1.5 cents for each automatic voicemail successfully left.

Check out our step-by-step guide on this new feature.

2. *New* Feature: Direct Contact List Imports from VAN

Big news – if you’ve set up an NGP VAN integration in your dialer organization, you can now import contact lists directly from VAN when setting up your call campaigns!

The next time you build a call campaign, during “Step 4: Add Contacts,” you’ll now see two options for loading a contact list: 1) Upload a CSV or 2) Import from NGP VAN, as shown below.

The new option to import a contact list directly from NGP VAN, rather than uploading a CSV, in the “Add Contacts” step of the campaign creation process.

You’ll notice after importing a list from VAN that our system will automatically “map” most or all of your contact fields (e.g., First Name, Last Name, Email) for you, unlike when you upload a CSV and have to “map your CSV columns” manually. Just be sure to check over these automatically-mapped fields and edit them if needed.

Important Reminders for Using a VAN integration on a Call Campaign 

  • Remember to always make the first question in your script a single-choice one where your caller determines whether or not they’re talking to the correct person (e.g., “Hi! Is [First Name] available?”). 

  • Then, be sure associate each of the response options to this first question (e.g., “Talking to Correct Person,” “Not Home,” “Wrong Number,” “Refused”) with an NGP VAN Canvass Result, using the dropdown menu of that name in the response option box, in order to ensure the results of the call will get properly saved by VAN.

  • We recommend associating your “Talking to Correct Person”-type response option with the Canvass Result of "Canvassed." VAN will only save the rest of the results from a call if your caller selects a response option in the first question that’s associated with a Canvass Result that’s either blank or set as “Canvassed.” (You can read more on this in step 2 of our VAN integration guide.)

The “NGP VAN Canvass Result” dropdown menu to use to associate the response options of the first question of your call script with a Canvass Result.

We’re proud to be one of the first dialers to offer this VAN list import feature and hope it makes building call campaigns easier than ever before. We can’t wait for you to try it out.

3. *New* Feature: BigQuery Export

Two weeks ago we released an automatic S3 Export feature, and today we’re releasing an automatic BigQuery Export feature, as well!

If your organization or campaign has a data team and a Google Cloud Platform BigQuery project, you can now enable the Scale to Win Dialer to automatically sync your Dialer data to BigQuery. Your BigQuery sync will run incrementally, syncing new and updated data to your BigQuery account every 15 minutes.

You can set up this configuration in the “Settings” tab of your dialer admin interface, and read here for export documentation.

The new BigQuery Export feature found in the “Settings” tab of your dialer admin interface.

4. Update: “Text Field” Question Type Renamed “Short Answer”

Please note in the script-building interface of the dialer that the question type formerly called “Text Field” has been renamed to “Short Answer.” Nothing about the feature has changed except its name.

We made this tweak to avoid any potential confusion with a new, additional question type that we’ll be releasing in the coming weeks. (Sneak peek: this new question type will enable your callers to send a pre-written text message to the person they’re speaking with.)

The newly-renamed “Short Answer” question type in the “Write Questions” step of the campaign creation process.

5. Bug Fix: “Multiple connected callers with the same phone number” Error Message Fixed

In a handful of cases, some of your callers may have encountered an error message that says, “The [call campaign name] has multiple connected callers with the same phone number. Please end any existing sessions and then retry.”

They might have received this message erroneously, when there were not in fact multiple callers or devices with the same phone number trying to join the call campaign.

We’ve fixed this bug and callers should no longer receive this message.

If you’ve already started using our dialer, thank you! We hope you’ve been enjoying your experience. And if you’d like to get set up with an account, we’d love to work with you.

If you haven’t yet gotten set up with a Scale to Win Dialer account, we’d love to show you the new dialer. Click here now to sign up for a demo so you can see the tool for yourself.

We’re excited for you to try out these new features. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to support@scaletowin.com for the fastest response.

In solidarity,

Claire & the STW Team