What are teams?

Teams are sub-accounts that are accessible from the same text or dialer login URL. Each team has its own set of campaigns, phone numbers, users, conversation histories, and settings. 

Can I customize my billing for teams?

Teams can be billed one of two ways: all together or individually. (*Please note: we cannot bill campaigns separately.*)

By default, all teams will be billed collectively. This means that all teams are on one invoice and you only have one billing portal log-in. Here is an example of what an invoice with multiple teams looks like:

With individual invoices, each team is billed on separate invoices with separate billing portal log-ins. This allows you to set up a different payment method for each team. A valid payment method to set-up separate invoices.

Which method is best for my organization?

Depending on the reporting requirements for your organization, it could be preferable to choose to have your teams billed on separate invoices to make compliance and processing payment easier. For instance, an organization with 501(c)3 and 501(c)4 branches generally opts to have their usage separated between two teams, and then have each team billed on separate invoices, in order to process payment with different methods.

If you plan on using the same payment method for all your teams, we suggest one invoice that lists out usage by team instead of creating separate invoices. 

How do I customize my billing for teams?

To have each team billed separately, please contact to set up separate billing profiles for each team. Please have a valid payment method available to add to the new profiles.