The Response Scripts page is your central hub for pre-written scripts, designed to streamline your campaign building.

Importing Scripts: You can import scripts directly from your Response Scripts page into your campaign. Note that changes made to the script in one location (either on the Response Scripts page or within a campaign) will not be reflected in the other.

Creating Groups: You can choose to automatically include new Groups in all new campaigns. This setting can also be adjusted for existing Groups.

Adding a New Response Script:

  1. Title: Provide a descriptive name for easy identification.

  2. Script: Write your message. Include custom fields like first_name and last_name to personalize messages with data from your campaign’s contact list. Additional custom fields can be added, and you will be prompted to map them to your contact list once imported.

  3. Tags: Apply a Tag from your Global Tags page. 

  4. Add to a Response Group: Select one or more Groups to organize your Response Script under.