Note: Integrations must be set up on a per-subaccount basis. However, within a single subaccount, you can integrate multiple instances of the same integration type.

NGP VAN / EveryAction

The NGP VAN / EveryAction integration enables you to upload VAN lists directly into text campaigns and sync your data back based on a contact’s VAN ID. Learn more about syncing data back using Tags here.

Setup VAN Integration

Getting Your Credentials

  1. Request an API Key - On the Main Menu page in your NGP VAN account, under the section titled “Administrative Menu,” click on “Integrations,” and then click on “API Integrations.” On the following page, click the blue “Request an API Key” button in the upper right corner.

  2. In the popup window, select Scale to Win from the “Integration” dropdown menu. Then select your appropriate contact from the contacts listed in the “Request will be sent to” dropdown menu.

  3. Request approval timelines may vary by administrator. When the administrator approves your request, you’ll receive a notification to generate your API key in NGP VAN.

  4. Once the credentials have been generated, they can only be viewed once. So you need to make sure you’re able to save this information before you generate it. The two pieces of information you’ll get when you generate the API key are Application Name and API Key.

Adding Credentials

  1. Navigate to the “Integrations” page in STW Text.

  2. Click on "Add New Integration" and choose "NGP VAN / EveryAction”.

  3. Assign a name for quick reference, especially when connecting multiple VAN instances.

  4. Upload the Application Name and API Key obtained from VAN into the form. Once the credentials are submitted, you'll know if it’s been successfully configured because an error message will be returned if it was not.

To upload lists directly from VAN, lists will have to be in a folder that is shared with Scale to Win.

  1. To set up the ability to sync lists from VAN, go to My Folders in VAN.

  2. Add a new folder or edit an existing one. Then, check the box "Allow other users to save into this folder". Click the Save button. You will now have the option to add users to save into the folder in a section called "User Access". Find the user titled “API User, Scale to Win” and add that user to the folder, then click Save.

  3. Next, save your lists in the folder you've made accessible to the Scale to Win API. You'll only be able to sync lists if they are in a folder the API User can access. You can share multiple folders with the API User.


The ActBlue integration consists of two primary components: 

  1. A display of donation information related to your campaigns 

  2. The ability to import ActBlue donors as contacts in your texting campaigns

Setting up ActBlue Donation Display

Getting Your Credentials

  1. First, navigate to the “Integrations” page in STW Text.

  2. Click on "Add New Integration" and choose "ActBlue Donation Webhook".

  3. Assign a name for quick reference, especially if you plan to connect multiple ActBlue instances.

  4. After selecting the ActBlue Donation Webhook, you'll receive an endpoint URL, username, and password. Save this information.

Requesting Your Webhook

  1. Next, you’ll need to access your ActBlue dashboard. Go to the “Integrations” section, under “Tools”. In the “Webhooks” section, select “Manage”.

  2. Choose "Request a New Webhook," and select ActBlue Default as the type. Ensure the contact email is accessible to you, and input the endpoint URL, username, and password obtained from STW Text earlier.

    1. If you have an active Shortcode, an additional dropdown will appear that prompts you to select if you’d like your donors to be automatically subscribed/opted in. They will receive your registered opt-in message.

  3. Click "Submit Request" to initiate the ActBlue webhook request.

  4. ActBlue will then review the webhook request before activation. This process typically takes around 5 business days, however, you may need to bump to ActBlue if it takes any longer!

  5. Once approved, ActBlue notifies you via email, and the webhook becomes active.

Setting up ActBlue Contact Upload

Generate Client UUID and Secret from ActBlue

  1. In ActBlue, create new API credentials by navigating back to the Dashboard and selecting “API Credentials” under “Admin”.

  2. From this page, you’ll be able to name and generate a new API Credential. Once you do, you’ll receive the Client UUID and Secret. Make sure to save this information in a safe place, because you will need to input it in STW Text to complete the setup in the next steps.

Upload Credentials in STW Text

  1. Return to the "Integrations" page in STW Text, select "Add New Integration," and then "ActBlue Contact Import".

  2. Assign a name for quick reference, especially when connecting multiple ActBlue instances. Upload the Client UUID and Secret obtained from ActBlue into the form.

  3. Click “Create”, and you’re done! The tool will tell you right away if the integration is successful, or if you need to edit the information you’ve added.


The ActionKit integration enables you to upload ActionKit reports directly into text campaigns. 

Getting The Credentials

  1. Log into your ActionKit instance by going to “action kit domain +” (ex.

  2. Go to “Staff” and Select “Add Staff User”.

  3. Create a new User and save Username and Password.

  4. Once you’ve created your new User, go to Permissions and enable Active Account, Admin Interface, and Superuser Status.

Adding Credentials

  1. Navigate to the “Integrations” page in STW Text.

  2. Click on "Add New Integration" and choose "ActionKit”.

  3. This will prompt you to name the integration; this is the name that will appear as an option if you have multiple ActionKit instances. Fill out the remaining fields with user credentials for ActionKit: the username (not email), password, and ActionKit web domain.

  4. Once the credentials are uploaded, you’ll know if it’s been successfully configured because an error message will be returned if it was not. 

Google Cloud Storage Import

The GCS integration enables you to upload your files from Google Cloud Storage directly into your text campaigns. 

Setup GCS Integration

  1. Create a GCS bucket in your Google Cloud Platform account. You can also use an existing bucket. 

  2. Create a GCP Service Account. This service account will need the following permissions:

    • The “BigQuery job user” permission (on the service account itself)

    • The “Storage legacy bucket owner” and “Storage legacy object owner” permissions on the GCS bucket you created

    • The “BigQuery data owner” permission on the BigQuery dataset you created

  3. Create a JSON credential for this service account.

  4. Have your GCS bucket name and JSON credential handy.

Adding Credentials

  1. Navigate to the “Integrations” page in STW Text.

  2. Click on "Add New Integration" and choose "Google Cloud Storage Import”.

  3. This will prompt you to name the integration; this is the name that will appear as an option if you have multiple buckets. Fill out the remaining fields with the JSON credential and the name of the bucket.

  4. Once the credentials are uploaded, you’ll know if it’s been successfully configured because an error message will be returned if it was not.