A shortcode is a 5-6 digit phone number used for sending and receiving SMS and MMS messages at scale. Shortcode texting is opt-in only, meaning you can only text people who have explicitly agreed to receive messages from you. 

Before targeting your audience, ensure all your opt-in methods are connected to Scale to Win Text. This guide explains ways to build an opt-in subscriber list in Scale to Win Text.. 

Ways to Build Your Subscriber List:

  • Keyword opt-in, including custom keywords

  • Import a CSV of existing subscribers

  • ActBlue webhook

  • Website API

Keyword Opt-In

Fixed Keywords

When applying for a shortcode, you must support at least one opt-in keyword, one opt-out keyword, and one support keyword. For example, supporters might text JOIN to opt-in, STOP to opt-out, and HELP for support. You can choose any word for the opt-in keyword (emojis are not allowed).

Scale to Win will set up the keywords you include in your shortcode application. These will appear in the tool as "Fixed Keywords". 

Image above: Example fixed keywords that subscribers can text to opt in to messages from your shortcode.  

When someone texts your shortcode with a fixed keyword, they’ll receive one of your pre-approved autoresponse scripts. These scripts can't be changed without reapplying to the carriers. Reach out to support@scaletowin.com for help changing your scripts. 

Custom Keywords

You can also add custom keywords with different autoresponse scripts. 

  • If an existing subscriber texts a custom keyword, they'll receive the custom response. 

  • If a new subscriber texts it, they'll be added to your list and receive both the approved opt-in message and the custom script.

To add custom keywords:

  1. Go to the “Shortcode” page.

  2. Scroll to the “Opt-In Keywords” section.

  3. Click "+ New Opt-In Keyword”. 

Image above: Create, edit and/or remove keywords and their associated autoresponses.  

  1. In the popup window, add the keyword (one word) and the script people will receive automatically in response. 

  2. Hit “Save”.

Image above: Save a keyword and associate it with an autoresponse. 

Note: While emojis can't be used as opt-in keywords, you can make them custom keywords. Remember that emojis may appear differently across devices and may not be supported on all (especially if the emoji is relatively new).

Import Existing Subscribers from a CSV

If you already have a list of shortcode subscribers, you can import them into Scale to Win Text.

Important: By default, the upload feature sends an opt-in confirmation message from the shortcode, as required by carriers. If you've already sent this message to the subscribers being uploaded, you can prevent it from being sent again using a toggle.

  1. Go to the “Shortcodes” page of Scale to Win Text.

  2. Scroll to the “Subscribers” section.

Image above: Upload subscriber information here. This button will give you a CSV file or text entry option. 

  1. Choose an upload method: Text Entry or File Upload. 

    1. If Text Entry: Enter the phone number, first name, and last name of the subscriber into the popup.

    2. If File Upload: File upload requires a CSV file with phone numbers at minimum. Drag in a file or select from your desktop.

  2. Decide whether to send the opt-in welcome message to the list. If you have never sent a confirmation message, you’ll want to keep this toggle on. If you have elsewhere, toggle this off to avoid sending a double confirmation.

Add ActBlue Donors

To sync opt-ins from ActBlue to Scale to Win Text, set up the ActBlue webhook. You can also set up a custom thank you message for donors using the shortcode.

Setting up the Webhook for the First Time

  1. Go to the “Integrations” page in STW Text.

  2. Click "Add New Integration" and select "ActBlue Donation Webhook."

  3. Assign a name for quick reference, especially if connecting multiple ActBlue accounts.

  4. You'll receive an endpoint URL, username, and password. Save this information.

  5. In your ActBlue dashboard, go to the “Integrations” section under “Tools”.

  6. In the “Webhooks” section, select “Manage” and then "Request a New Webhook."

  7. Choose ActBlue Default as the type, and enter the endpoint URL, username, and password from STW Text.

  8. Click "Submit Request" to start the webhook request. ActBlue will review it, usually within 5 business days. If it takes longer, follow up with ActBlue.

  9. Once approved, ActBlue will notify you, and the webhook will become active.

Subscribe Donors and Set a Thank You Message

  1. Go to the “ActBlue Opt Ins” section of the Shortcodes page, or the “Integrations” page in Scale to Win Text.

  2. Click the pencil icon next to your ActBlue Donation Webhook integration.

  3. Under “Subscribe donors to your shortcode,” choose whether to subscribe only explicit opt-ins (this only works if ActBlue has enabled an opt-in checkbox on your form) or both explicit opt-ins and “unknowns.”

  1. If you wish to send a custom donation thank you message to your subscribed donors, toggle on “Send donation thank you message”.

  2. Add the message text in the field below. You can also upload an image to make it a MMS. 


Image above: You can choose what kind of opt-ins that you’re uploading.

  1. Click “Save”.

Add Sign-Ups from Your Website

You can connect your website's phone number collection field to Scale to Win Text with an API key. The API endpoint is designed to create or update a subscriber linked to your specific shortcode number. 

Create an API Key

  1. Click on your first initial in the top right corner to open a dropdown menu.

  2. Go to “Organization Settings”.

  3. Click “API Keys”.

  4. Click “+Create API Key”.

Image above: You can create an API key by going to the API Keys page in Organization Settings. 

Sync to your system

  1. Ensure your system can interact with API endpoints and has the correct authorization tokens. 

  2. You'll need to send a POST request with the subscriber's first name, last name, phone number, and optionally an additional welcome message. Third party tools like Hightouch can simplify syncing subscriber data with this endpoint, making it easier to automate and manage. 

  3. For detailed API documentation, refer to “Organization Settings” > “API Keys” > “View API Documentation”.

Image above: From the API Keys page, you can view API documentation for more details.