Troubleshooting Tip: Seeing the below error message? You’ll need a user account prior to accessing texts. 

Please inform your admin that you need an invite to the Scale to Win account in order to access texts. They can do this by going to the People page, clicking + Invite User, enter your information, and assign Role as Texter.

Once you are in Texter View within the campaign, click the button that says Request More Texts. You will then be assigned a set of text conversations in which contacts have replied to an initial message.

When you click Request More Texts, you will be assigned a set of text conversations in which contacts have replied to an initial message. If the Request More Texts button is greyed out, this indicates there aren’t any available texts to claim in the queue.

Click a contact's name to open the conversation. You'll see a blue message box on the righthand side that shows the initial message your organization sent, and a white box on the left hand side that shows the response received from that contact. 

Click the Responses tab at the bottom of this page to see the pre-written responses your organization developed to use in this campaign.  Scroll through the list or search for a response using keywords, then click your chosen response. 

You can also type a response into the Your Message box; however, you should check with your organization before sending a custom response. Then click Send when you're ready to send your reply.


Next to the Responses tab are Tags. Tags are a way to track conversational data without sending a response. You can use Tags if your organization requests Texters to mark conversations without sending a response. For example, if a contact responds with “Wrong number”, click on the Wrong Number Tag, then click Save Tags to record that data. Tags are created by your organization and are unique to each campaign, so you won’t necessarily see the same Tags in all campaigns you’re texting in. Refer to the Creating and Using Tags article to learn more about how your account Admins create tags.

Conversation Details

To view conversation details, click the Contact Details tab. Here you can make notes about a conversation, and send a conversation link to the organization’s administration you're working with. Click on the icon next to the link to copy it, then share that with the relevant folks in your organization.

Other Options

Texters can manually opt out a specific contact if they have requested to be opted-out and made it past the automatic opt-out filter, or per your organization’s guidance around opt-outs. This would prevent the contact from receiving messages from your organization in the future. Please defer to your organization’s instructions for when to use this button. Click the Opt Out button and a message box will pop up. Then click Confirm Opt Out to complete the action. 

To remove the conversation from the replies queue. Click Mark As Not Needing Response.  This will ensure it cannot be claimed by another Texter in the future.

Note: Opting a contact out will remove them from your view. Marking them as Not Needing Response will keep them in your view so you can refer back to the conversation.

The box in the top right shows the time limit you have for responding to the texts you’ve claimed. You can extend the assignment time by clicking.

Once you’ve taken action on a conversation, the circle next to that contact’s name changes from green to transparent, and you’re ready to move on to the next conversation. 

Releasing Replies
From Your Campaigns page, you will also find the option to Release All My Replies or Release Replies specific to an individual campaign. This will allow others to claim those replies. Threads are set on an automatic timer to release after an hour unless you extend the assignment directly within the thread.

Texter Warnings

If it is outside of Texting Hours for that campaign, a warning will appear in the Message Text box - Campaign is outside of Texting Hours