Adding people to your Spoke account is as easy as sharing a link from your People page in Spoke. New users will click on the link to create an account, and the People page will show you a list of everyone who has joined. You can then change permissions levels to grant administrative privileges or suspend users.



Access the invite link

From the admin side of Spoke, go to the People page. Click on the green + sign in the bottom right corner to pop up a window with the link to invite new users to create an account.

Screenshot of the People page, where you can access the invite link for new users to create their accounts with your organization by clicking the green plus button.

Everyone who will need an account, from texters to fellow administrators, will need to use this link to join your Spoke. 


Direct new users to Sign Up

When you’re sharing out the link, make sure to direct your new users to select “Sign Up”. Prior Scale to Win users will also need to create a new account with your invite link to use your Spoke.


Image of the login page accessed by users who click the invite link for your organization. Please direct new users to hit “Sign Up” and fill out their information to create a new account.

“Log In” is only used if the person has already created an account with the custom join link for your organization.


For security reasons, users who try to create an account by signing up at your custom Spoke URL (eg. will see a “You are not part of any organization” error. Read more here about how to troubleshoot when users have trouble logging into your Spoke.


Note: the phone number field in the “Sign Up” flow is for your own internal use only, i.e. so you can reach people in your organization if needed. Texts will never be sent from the phone numbers used for account creation. 


View your users

After people join, you’ll see them listed on the People page.  At the top of the page is a filter. Use this to see the people


  • In specific campaign(s)

  • With specific user roles


You can also search for a person by name or email.


Screenshot of the People page showing a filter you can use to narrow your list of users.

Change permissions levels

For security reasons, all new users join at the lowest "Texter" level. This means they can only access texts that have been assigned to them or that they assign themselves using a dynamic assignment link.


You can promote users to higher levels using the “Role” dropdown menu, which is accessible for each user on the People page. Read more here about what the different User Roles mean. 


Screenshot of the Roles dropdown menu. Use this menu to change a user’s permissions.

You can also change a user’s status to Suspended so they can no longer access your Spoke. If you want to restore their access, you can do so by changing their role from Suspended to something else.


Optional: Invite Users with Dynamic Assignment

If you use the dynamic assignment features in Spoke, you can skip a step in the account creation process. On the Settings page under Security, you can enable a toggle to allow users to join your organization by clicking a dynamic assignment link. When this is on, users will not be required to click the join link from the People page. You can read more here about dynamic assignment.


Optional: Refresh your invite link

If you are concerned that your invite link has been compromised, you can break the link and generate a new one by clicking the refresh icon next to the link. Once you do so, the old link will cease to work and users will need to use your new link to sign up with your organization.

Image showing the feature to refresh an invite link.