Start Campaign

Now you’re ready to launch your campaign! Click the “Start Campaign” button!

The button to Start your Campaign!

If you haven’t completed all of the required steps, you will get an error message letting you know which steps you must still complete before you can start your campaign. For example:

An example of an error message if your campaign isn’t ready to be started.

After clicking “Start Campaign,” your call campaign will load. After it completes 100%, it will be ready!

Your campaign will load before being ready to go.

Once it has started, you’ll notice that Step 8 in the campaign creation on the left-hand side of your screen is now called “Run Campaign.”

The two important links to run your campaign: Caller URL and Clicker URL.

Links to Send to Your Callers & Clickers

There are two important links included on this page:

  • Caller URL: This is the link to share with your callers! They will use this link to access the calling side of the dialer. Share this link with them once you are ready for them to start making calls on this campaign. For more information on calling, visit our guide on Making Calls!

  • Clicker URL: If you’ve enabled clicking in your Settings page, you will see a link here to share with your dialer admin, volunteers, or team members who are completing the clicking process for you (aka, your “clickers”)! If these settings are enabled, you must complete this simple “clicking” process in order for the dialer to allow you to dial the phone numbers on the call list you uploaded. You’ll need to send this URL to your clickers, who will use the link to access the approval process. Read more information in the section immediately below this about what “clicking” is and why it may be required, and feel free to share this guide on “how to click” with your clickers.


If clicking is enabled in your Settings page, you, other dialer admins, or a few of your volunteers must perform an easy process of “clicking” each of these phone numbers, before the dialer will allow you to call.

Luckily, this “selection”/“approval” process is very simple! You just send a few folks the aforementioned “Clicker URL” for the call campaign, and they click the “Approve” button over and over, until all cell phone numbers you uploaded to the campaign have been clicked through. They can even just repeatedly click the spacebar or “enter” key on their keyboard, to make the process even faster. One “clicker” can usually click through 20,000 cell phones an hour. 

The clicker interface, including the green “Approve ID” button.

Important Notes about Clicking

  • Compliance: Clicking may be required depending on the purpose of your calling and relevant law and regulations. Always ensure compliance with the law and consult with your legal counsel for additional information.
  • Timing: You and your volunteers can complete this clicking process weeks or days before you ever call on the campaign, or right before, or even during the campaign. 
  • Frequency: You only have to click a number to load it into a call campaign once per call campaign.

  • Process: As you click each phone, the number is immediately added to the list of phone numbers available to be called by the dialer for this campaign. For your awareness, the Scale to Win Dialer dials numbers from your list of landlines and approved cell phones in random order (as opposed to dialing first landlines, then cell phones, for example) to help keep your pickup rate consistent, since cell phones generally experience a higher pickup rate than landline phones.

Campaign Status

At the top of your “Run Campaign” page, you will see a sentence indicating the status of your campaign, such as “This campaign is running” or “This campaign is stalled.”

The Run Campaign step with the current campaign status circled.

Caller Messaging

You also have the option to add custom Alert Bars for you callers which will display at the top of your campaign like this:

An example of the caller alert bar

This message can be permanently displayed, or have an expiration date.

You can also customize the “Campaign Paused,” “Campaign Complete,” and “Campaign Outside of Dialing Hours” messages displayed to your callers to communicate important updates to your volunteers while the campaign is currently inactive. 

For example, use these customizable end cards to let your callers know that you’ve finished your current phone bank, and to remind them where they can find your next phone bank.

An example end card

Now that you’ve launched your call campaign, read on about the next step – viewing the results of your dials!