If your Spoke account will be used to text for multiple organizations (candidates, chapters, etc), you can separate out their traffic with the subaccounts or teams feature.
What are teams?
Teams are subaccounts accessible from the same login URL. Each team has its own set of campaigns, phone numbers, users, conversation histories, and settings.
Once subaccounts are created and you’ve joined them, you can switch between them using the menu at the top right corner.
Once you log in to your account, and have joined a team, you can access that team by clicking on your first initial in the top right corner, then on the name of that team.
How do I add teams to my Spoke account?
To add teams to your account, reach out to us here with the name, time zone, and preferred area code for the team.
How do I join a team?
To be added to a team, you’ll need to click that team’s specific join link, which can be found on its People page. If you need to access that team’s backend, you’ll need to be given higher permissions levels by an administrator.
If you’re using dynamic assignment links for text campaigns, users with an account on one of your teams can join another team simply by clicking that link. Clicking the link will add the user to the team as a Texter.
How does billing work with teams?
By default, if your account has more than one team you will receive an invoice displaying each team’s usage itemized. We can also separate usage per team on individual invoices. Read more here.
How does 10DLC work with teams?
10DLC registrations are generally team-specific and take place on that team’s Compliance page. However, if you need to apply the same registration to multiple teams, we can easily set this up for you. Here’s a full guide to how this works.
How can I track usage across teams?
Accounts with multiple teams gain access to the Global Settings page, where Owners with additional permissions (Super Administrators) can track usage across teams. Read more here.