
The Basics page allows you to name your campaign, add an optional description, override default texting hours (which can be found in your Settings), and select your NGP VAN / EveryAction Integration if you are planning to load a list from VAN or sync data back to VAN.


Sending Numbers

Sending numbers are the designated phone numbers from which your texting campaign messages will be sent. The available sending number options, including 10DLC, Toll-Free, Unregistered Pools, and Shortcode, are determined by which registration process you have completed successfully. If you have multiple within a particular type (perhaps you alternate between two different area codes), a second dropdown will appear, allowing you to select your preferred number.



Load Contacts

There are four options for loading contacts:                    

CSV Upload

  • File Format: Upload your contacts in .csv format.

  • Contact Limit: The contact limit is 500K. Reach out to if you require a larger contact upload size.

  • Column Headers: Files do not require designated column headers. 

  • If your campaign has a VAN Integration enabled (you’d like to sync data back), the CSV must include a column for the VAN IDs of the incoming contacts.


Follow Up Campaign

  • If you want to re-target contacts from a previous campaign, you can create a follow-up campaign. Follow-up campaigns allow you to narrow your target audience to contacts based on status and actions taken.     
  • First, select your filter criteria. Then, simply select the campaign(s) with the contact list you’d like to retarget according to your chosen criteria. 
  • If the NGP VAN Integration is enabled, you will only be able to see campaigns with the same VAN settings.

Follow Up Campaign


  • This option will only appear if youʼve successfully set up an ActBlue Integration. From here you'll be able to filter down and import your ActBlue donors.
  • You cannot sync data back to VAN using the ActBlue List Loader. If you have the VAN Integration enabled, it will not allow you to choose ActBlue for your list upload.


  • This option will only appear if youʼve successfully set up an ActionKit integration. You will need to have a report created in ActionKit containing your phone numbers, first names, and last names.
  • You'll need the report shortname or ID and then the column header for your phone numbers.
  • If your campaign has a VAN Integration enabled (you’d like to sync data back), the ActionKit report must include a column for the VAN IDs of the incoming contacts.

NGP VAN / EveryAction

  • This option will only appear if you’ve successfully set up the NGP VAN Integration and selected it in the Basics section. Once you’ve selected your desired integration, you’ll be able to search for any lists in folders shared with Scale to Win.
  • Your results will automatically be synced back to VAN using the contact’s VAN ID.

Google Cloud Storage

  • This option will only appear if youʼve successfully set up a GCS Integration. From here you'll be able to search for any lists in your bucket shared with Scale to Win.
  • If your campaign has a VAN Integration enabled (you’d like to sync data back), the imported file must include a column for the VAN IDs of the incoming contacts.

Contact Mapping

Contact mapping helps you link custom fields in your script to columns in your contact upload. For instance, it ensures that when you greet someone with "Hi first_name", it fills in the correct first name from your data.

Contact Mapping

You can revisit this stage even if you've added a custom field directly in the initial script section. Note that launching your campaign is only possible when all fields in your script are mapped.

You'll also select a Sample Contact from the imported data, which is used to preview your initial message and for sending yourself test/preview texts.


Suppressing contacts is a way to exclude specific individuals from receiving messages in your current campaign. This can be done before and after you’ve launched your campaign. There are two ways to suppress contacts:

CSV Upload: Suppress contacts by uploading a CSV file.

Campaigns: Suppress contacts from other campaigns within the subaccount.

  • Suppress all overlaps.

  • Suppress overlaps from particular campaigns.

  • Apply filters to campaigns to remove contacts who have responded/not responded in a certain way.


Initial Message

In this section, you can craft one or more initial scripts and enable link shortening and tracking.

  • Character Count: View the total number of characters in your message and how many are left in your segment.

  • Add New Contact Fields: Ensure you correctly map your new fields to one of the columns in your contact upload using the Contact Mapping section. Failure to do so will prevent launching your campaign.

  • Upload Media File: The maximum file size is 500KB.

  • Liquid Template: Use a liquid template to dynamically generate content. Liquid is a template language that allows the insertion of variables, control structures (like if statements and loops), and other logic into templates. 

  • Add a Variant: Add multiple iterations of your initial script to a campaign to perform A/B tests!

  • Enable Shortlink by Script Variant: Choose from available shortlinks. You can customize this for each script variant, selecting different domains. The system will automatically locate the URL in your script. Learn more about shortlinks here.

  • Preview Message: View your message with autofilled contact fields from the sample contact imported earlier. Replace with test data for effective testing. If shortlinks are enabled, a clickable test link will be displayed.

Note: Initial Messages must clearly identify your organization as the message sender and include standard opt-out language such as "Reply Stop to Opt-Out" or "Stop = End".

Response Scripts

In this section, you can add Response Scripts, which are pre-written scripted responses that can be used when responding to your messages. 

Within the campaign builder, you can import existing Response Scripts, add campaign-specific Groups, or add campaign-specific Responses. Learn more about Response Scripts here.


In this section, you can manually add tags from your Global Tags page to your campaign. This section may start blank, or include any tags that were associated with your imported Response Scripts.

Start Campaign

When you're ready to launch your campaign, navigate to the Start Campaign section. The tool will alert you to any errors that require attention before proceeding.

Sending your Campaign

Preview Text: Send test texts to yourself and/or others. You can either select one of your default numbers (added in Settings) or add new numbers here (comma-separated). 

Choose from 2-3 send options. Under “Send”:

  • Send to a Portion of your List: Send messages to a specified portion of your contacts. You can customize the amount of texts to send in the pop-up window.

  • Send to Your Full List: Send all messages in your campaign.

  • Autosend Based on ROI (only available with an active ActBlue integration and multiple script variants): Compare script variants based on ActBlue donations with a partial send. Select Winning Conditions (Minimum ROI, Minimum Number of Donations - optional, Exclude Donations Over - optional) to determine the winning script variant. The tool will then send the remaining texts to the chosen variant.

Under “Schedule”:

  • Schedule a Portion of your List: Schedule the campaign to send messages to a portion of your contacts.

  • Schedule Your Full List: Schedule a send of all messages in your campaign.

  • Schedule Autosend Based on ROI (only available with an active ActBlue integration and multiple script variants): Schedule an autosend test based on ActBlue donations with a partial send.                

View Your Results

Your campaign results page provides comprehensive insights into your campaign's performance.