What are shortcodes?

Shortcodes are special 5-6 digit phone numbers that are easy to remember and great for sending texts quickly. Learn more about shortcodes here.

Key Features:

You can only send texts to people who have given permission (opted in). 

  • Opt-in & Opt-out Keywords: Shortcodes require you to allow people to join or leave your list by texting specific, approved words.

  • Custom Keywords: You can create your own additional keywords for different purposes.

  • Autoresponders: Automatically reply instantly when someone texts your shortcode using any of the keywords you've set up.

How to Access a Shortcode with Scale to Win:

  1. Fill Out the Registration Form: Start by completing our registration form. See instructions below.

  2. Carrier Approval: Mobile carriers like T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T need to approve your registration. During this process, we’ll set up your opt-in, opt-out, and help keywords + autoresponders.

  3. Approval Timeline: Approval for new shortcodes usually takes 6-8 weeks. Migrations can be faster or take a similar amount of time.

  4. Promote your Shortcode: Once your shortcode is approved, you can start promoting the number so people can sign up for your messages.

  5. Sync Web Subscribers: If you’re collecting sign-ups online, sync your website or ActBlue page with Scale to Win or upload a CSV of contacts to Scale to Win Text.

Be sure to plan ahead to account for the approval process!


How to register for a shortcode

The first question in our registration form asks if you're applying for a new shortcode or migrating an existing one. 

Skip to the next section of this article ("How to Complete the Shortcode Registration Form") if you’re applying for a new shortcode. 

Here’s what to do if you’re migrating:

Migrate a Shortcode

If you already have a shortcode with another provider and want to move it to Scale to Win, follow these steps:

  1. Contact Us: Reach out at support@scaletowin.com or schedule a call with us [here] to discuss your options.

  2. Transfer the Shortcode:

    • Contact your current provider and request to transfer your shortcode to Bandwidth (usshortcodes.com, account ID 3003109).

    • Be sure to include your shortcode number and preferred transfer date.

  3. Receive Confirmation:

    • Your provider will confirm the transfer and give you a lease receipt with an order ID.

  4. Sign a Migration Letter:

    • A director or higher from your organization needs to sign a migration letter authorizing the transfer. See template below.

  5. Fill Out Our Registration Form:

    • Once you have the lease receipt, complete our registration form and select "Migration.” Then, upload your lease receipt and migration letter, and the order ID # from your lease receipt.

Example Migration Letter


{DATE - within 30 days of submitting the application}

Re: Migration of Short Code {XXXXX}

To Whom It May Concern:

{Organization Name} approves the migration of short code {XXXXX}, CSCA Application ID {Order Number} to Infobip effective {Desired Transfer Date}.






Here’s how to fill out the rest of the form:

How to Complete the Shortcode Registration Form

The form has five sections:

  1. Choose Lease Type: Decide if you’re getting a new shortcode or migrating an old one, and choose how long you want the lease to last.

  2. Submit Website and Terms of Service: Provide links or screenshots of your compliant website and terms of service page.

  3. Explain Opt-In Process: Share how people sign up to receive your texts.

  4. Describe Your Texting Program: Submit sample messages.

  5. Provide Organization Info: Enter details about your organization.

Section 1: Lease Type

1. Choose Your Application Type:

  • Indicate if you're applying for a new shortcode or migrating an existing one.

1a. For Migration:

  • Upload your lease receipt, migration letter, and order ID.

1.2. Select Lease Length:

  • Choose how long you want to lease the shortcode: 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months.

1.3. Autorenew Option:

  • Decide if you want the lease to automatically renew at the end of the term.

1.4. Estimated Daily Volume

  • Estimated daily sending volume. If you’re unsure, estimate the size of your list.

Section 2: Is your website carrier-compliant?

2.1. Share Website: 

The website must be active and accessible. It must have:

  • A publicly accessible, compliant terms of service page

  • A publicly accessible, compliant privacy policy (can be on the same page as the terms of service)

2.2. Link to Terms of Service:

The terms of service page must include:

  • Sender Name: The name of the organization or of the program/brand.

  • Program Description: What kinds of messages will be sent, e.g. "voter registration", "event recruitment", "campaign updates", "donation asks". Be specific. If this is a fundraising program, you must add that messaging may include “donation asks”.

  • Message Frequency: How often messages will be sent. Examples: “Message frequency varies”, “5 msg/wk”.

  • Data Rates Disclosure: "Message and data rates may apply."

  • T-Mobile Disclosure: "T-Mobile is not responsible for delayed or undelivered messages."

  • Opt-Out Instructions: "Text STOP to cancel" (in bold).

  • Support Contact: An email or toll-free number for customer support. Example: “Text HELP or call 1-800-888-8888 for support.”

If your website does not have a terms of service page

If your terms of service page isn't live yet, you can submit a mockup (as a link to a screenshot, for example). Upload the link to a service like Google Drive, make sure the link is public, and share the link with us.

Remember, a mockup is just a temporary solution. Your terms of service page must be live and public before your shortcode is used.

2.3. Link to Privacy Policy:

Carriers are strict about how mobile user data is handled.

  • You can only share mobile data for essential services or if required by law.

  • You cannot share mobile data with affiliates or similar campaigns.

  • Your privacy policy must clearly state this.

Many clients include this language: 

“Text messaging originator opt-in data and consent will not be shared with any third parties, provided that the foregoing does not apply to sharing (1) with vendors, consultants and other service providers who need access to such information to carry out work on our behalf (and who will not use such information for their own purposes); (2) if we believe disclosure is required by any applicable law, rule, or regulation or to comply with law enforcement or legal process.”

Section 3: How do people sign up for your shortcode?

You must support keyword opt-in, i.e. people texting a word like “JOIN” or “START” to your number. 

3. 1. Opt-In Method:

  • Pick the method people use to sign up, i.e. Keywords (Required), Web, or Other.

3.2. Opt-In Discovery:

  • Pick the main way people learn about signing up for your shortcode, i.e. the web, radio, TV, print, etc.

3.3. Opt-In Method Description: 

  • Provide links to or screenshots of all opt-in methods. Describe how people sign up. 

3.4. Call to Action:

A call to action (CTA) is a prompt that tells people how to sign up for your shortcode. It must include:

  • Instructions: Tell users how to sign up. 

    • For keyword opt-in, tell users what keyword to text and the shortcode to send it to. Example: "Text JOIN to 12345 for campaign updates."

    • For web opt-in, tell them that "By entering your phone number, you're agreeing to receive ..."

  • Organization Name and Program: Include your organization's name and a brief program description.

  • Fundraising Notice: If you plan to raise funds through the shortcode, say "Messaging includes donation asks."

  • Frequency Notice: State how often messages will be sent. This should match your TOC.

  • Data Rates Notice: Include a "Msg&Data rates may apply" notice.

  • PP/TOC links: You must include links to your privacy policy and terms of service.

See example of keyword call to action below.

3.5. Opt-In Keywords:

Provide the exact keyword(s) for sign-up. For example, someone might text "JOIN" to the shortcode.

  • Keywords should be 15 characters or less. 

  • If this is a migration, provide the same keywords you used in your original application. 

3.6. Opt-In Confirmation:

After signing up, people must get a confirmation message from the shortcode. 

The message should be 160 characters or less and must include:

  • Program Name: The name of your program.

  • Message Frequency: How often you'll send messages, i.e. "Message frequency varies." or "1 msg/week".

  • Data Rates Disclosure: A note that message and data rates may apply.

  • STOP Instructions: How to opt out (e.g., "Reply STOP to end").

  • HELP Instructions: How to get help (e.g., "Reply HELP for help").

Example 1: “Welcome to Scale to Win Alerts! Msg&data rates may apply. 1msg/day. Reply STOP to end. Reply HELP for help.”

Example 2: “Thanks for signing up to hear from Big Organizing! Msg&data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Reply STOP to end. Reply HELP for help.”

Section 4: What kinds of messages will you send?

4.1. Program Type: 

  • Pick the use case that best describes your program. Examples: Political, Donation, Voting/Polling

4.2. Program Description:

  • Write a few sentences explaining the types of texts you'll send from the shortcode.

  • Be specific. If you'll be collecting donations, make sure to mention that in the description.

  • This exact description must be included in your SMS terms and conditions and should also be in your call-to-action (CTA). 

4.3. FEC committee ID: 

  • Required if your organization is a federal political committee and soliciting donations.

4.4. Help Keyword(s):

  • You must provide keywords that people can text to the shortcode to get support. 

  • At a minimum, you must include the keyword "HELP."

4.6. Help Request Confirmation: 

  • You must provide the exact message people will receive after they text for support. 

  • Example: “STW Employee Alerts. Help at 833-789-8398. Msg&data rates may apply. Reply STOP to cancel.”

4.5. Opt-out Keyword(s):

  • You must provide keywords that people can text to the shortcode to unsubscribe. 

  • At a minimum, you must include the keyword "STOP."

4.6. Opt-out Confirmation:

  • Provide the exact message people will receive after they text to unsubscribe.

  • This must state that no more messages will be sent.

  • Example: “STW Employee Alerts: You are unsubscribed from Scale to Win Support Alerts. No more messages will be sent.”

4.7. Two Example Messages:

  • Provide two short examples of messages subscribers might receive from your shortcode. 

  • The examples should roughly match your program description. So if you said your program includes fundraising, include a sample fundraising message.

Section 5: Sender Information

5.1. Legal Organization Name: 

  • Provide the name of the organization that will appear as the sender of the texts.

5.2. Legal Organization Address:

  • Provide the legal address of the organization (the address on IRS tax forms). 

5.3. Organization Contact:

  • Share the name, email, and phone number of a point of contact at the organization.

  • The email address should have the same domain name as the website.

  • This information is provided for identity purposes only.

5.4. Scale to Win Contact:

  • If Scale to Win should be contacting someone else with questions, provide their name, email, and phone number.

  • We will only reach out to this person with questions.

5.4. Additional Notes

  • Share any special notes you have for us!