What is a Shortcode?

A shortcode is a 5-6 digit phone number used for sending and receiving SMS and MMS messages at scale.

Why Use a Shortcode?

  • High Throughput: Shortcodes can send large volumes of messages in a short amount of time.

  • Recognizability: Shortcodes are easy for recipients to recognize and remember, increasing engagement rates.

  • Compliance and Reliability: Shortcodes are vetted and approved by carriers, ensuring a high rate of deliverability and compliance.

  • Brand Trust: Using a shortcode can enhance brand credibility, as these numbers are typically associated with established organizations.

Learn more about how to register for a new shortcode, or transfer an existing shortcode, here

Once your shortcode is set up, you’ll be able to work from the Shortcode page which will include the following items:

Fixed Keywords

These are the keywords submitted during the registration process. If you ever need to adjust these, please reach out to support@scaletowin.com. The categories of fixed keywords include:

  • Opt-Out Keyword: Your selected keyword(s) that automatically opt-out your contacts and send your opt-out message.

  • Opt-In KeywordYour selected keyword(s) that automatically add your contacts to your subscriber list and send your welcome message.

  • Help Keyword: Your selected keyword(s) that send your help message, letting your recipient know how to contact your support team or learn more details about the messaging service.

Opt-In Keywords

Admins can add additional opt-in keywords that will send contacts a customized welcome message.


In this table, admins can search for subscribers, add subscribers (individually or in bulk), and opt subscribers out.

Important note: When subscribing users, you have the option to send a welcome message or not. If you are backfilling your existing subscriber list, ensure this option is toggled off. If not, everyone you upload will receive your opt-in message!


Shortcode opt-outs are managed separately from contacts who have opted out when using 10DLC, Toll-Free, and Unregistered numbers. Non-shortcode opt-outs can be viewed as stats from the Opt-Outs and Strike Lists page. Shortcode opt-outs are treated as contacts that have unsubscribed from your subscriber list, and can be searched on the Shortcode page or directly from the Threads page.

Threads are created in the following scenarios:

  • When a contact is included and messaged in an outbound campaign (Standard).

  • When a current subscriber texts the shortcode, with or without a keyword.

  • When a non-subscriber texts an opt-in keyword.

Note: Non-subscribers who text your opt-out or help keywords will receive automated messages, but a thread will not be created.