Assignment Management
Text assignment involves moving unanswered replies in your campaign to your texters for review and/or response. By default, replies from your contacts in your campaign are unassigned.
You can allow Texters to claim replies by providing them with the ‘Texter Link’, which is found on your Campaign sending and Results page.
When Texters click on the link, it adds them to the campaign (if they weren’t added already). Texters will see a button they can click to receive 25 replies. After completing their first batch of replies, Texters can assign themselves additional replies (if more are available) by clicking on the button again.
Note: A Texter must already have an account with your organization to use this link. If they do not, you can send them an invite from the People page. If the Texter has an account with a different subaccount in your organization, they will be able to use this link and will be automatically added as a Texter to your current subaccount.
Handling Replies
After claiming replies, you’ll be able to see them on the left-hand side of your screen. From here, you can respond, choose from pre-set response scripts, apply tags, add conversation notes, and manage contacts by opting them out or marking them as not needing further response.
Responses: Select from pre-scripted responses added during the campaign creation process.
Tags: Apply Tags added during the campaign creation process.
Contact Details: See the contact’s name, add conversation notes, and grab a link that will take Admin’s to that conversation thread.
Note: Opting a contact out will remove them from your view. Marking them as ‘Not Needing Response’ will keep them in your view so you can refer back to the conversation.
Releasing Replies
From Your Campaigns page, you will also find the option to ‘Release All My Replies’ or ‘Release Replies’ specific to an individual campaign. This will allow others to claim those replies. Threads are set on an automatic timer to release after an hour unless you extend the assignment directly within the thread.
Texter Warnings
If it is outside of Texting Hours for that campaign, a warning will appear in the Message Text box - “Campaign is outside of Texting Hours”.